Effects theories continued (Bullet theory, Cultivation theory, Spiral of Silence, Media Hegemony)
Effects theories continued (Bullet theory, Cultivation theory, Spiral of Silence, Media Hegemony) Introduction In continuation of the Effects theories from the previous week, this chapter takes a look at four more theories that have been applied in the explanation of the general effects of mass communication on the audience. The theories under discussion here are: The Bullet theory, Cultivation theory, Spiral of silence and Media hegemony. The Bullet theory This is one of the earliest theories that were used in explaining the effects of mass communication. Based on the general state of fear, alarm and uncertainties during the World Wars, people tended to respond en mass to the propaganda that was being used as part of the warfare. Some media observers and communication analysts rushed to what has been often criticized as a 'simplistic conclusion' that communication messages produced strong and more or less universal effects on all audience members who happen to be exposed...