Monday, November 4, 2019


Research and social Research
research is the process through which we identify the problems their root cause and suggest solutions for it. in social research we carefully study a particular matter ,issue, concern or a problem  that is totally related to the people and societies so that we can design products and services that cater the need of the people.
so basically social research is an important source of knowledge about known problems of a society and discovers unknown facts about them so we can say that social research provides updated proved authentic and useful information to the researchers and this knowledge is then used to serve the human beings.
Research is thus an original contribution to the existing body of knowledge making for its advancement.
so therefore we got two basic results of any research confirmation of and already existing theory or we provide a new theory to the world.

this is the main process we need to follow in order to do a good research on any topic


Introduction plays a vital role in writing a research paper. Its basically about what is your research objective,reason why you chose the topic a brief introduction and information ,definitions are  mention in introduction for the understanding of the reader.
every research paper needs the following basic elements present in the introduction
1:introduction of your topic/statement of problem 
2:research objectives 
3:research questions 
4:significance of the study

there is no certain rule to be followed how to start an introduction following no logical order at all you just need to share the key ideas of your research.
Statement of problem
whats your topic why you chose such topic reason introduction about your topic .give some relevant background and create a context then tell your readers about the research you are planning to carryout.a brief history of the research into the topic.state the topic then start with general information then going from general to specific dont give too much details but explain your view on the topic.
key points
1:give general information on topic
2:be engaging and precise
3:reflect the significance of raised issue 

Research objectives
 share the significance of the study your goals objectives you have in your mind about the research.
be specific and clear dont brag about your research 
each phrase in research objective should have an element of completeness 
identify the main variables of the study 
identify the main direction of relationship between variable
use bullet form to state goals of the study 
use research terminologies like 
1:to investigate 
2: to examine 
3:to measure 
4:to analyze 

Research Questions
there are basically 3 types of research questions 
depending upon the research objective we need to pick the right type of questions that can give the desired results. for example if our research objective is to investigate an issue or we are examining a particular phenomenon we need to be specific about a particular matter and ask a question that describe our objective of asking a particular question dont ask too much or irrelevant information focus on the basic purpose of your research either its exploratory ,descriptive or explainatory
Significance of the study
what would be possible contribution of your study on society ? that is something that is going to define the future of your research 
so be specific and clear about stating  the significance of the study.
Dont brag about your research paper be humble say it like it will be a small contribution to existing body of knowledge etc
basically significance is interlinked to the implications of your study research .
your significance of the study must answers the following basic questions 
1:Logical reasoning of conducting the research
2:mention the beneficiaries of your study 
(how people ,organization or society will be served through this research )
3:either it is going to create room for a new research or not.
its going to fill the research gap or not 
4:it is going to contribute the existing body of knowledge or not
5:it is creating a new dimension for research on a phenomenon or giving a new theory or not

Without stepping on the first step of ladder you cant climb the ladder so literature review is also very important for researchers in order to get the dimension on which way using what type of method you need to follow in order to do a good research on a particular matter issue problem of research.
literature review can be the best tool to provide answers to such basics like how and where to start your research 
Functions of Literature review
1: it gives the theoretical background to the study
2: it provide the information about what type of researches have already been conducted and what type of research should be conducted in order to get desired results
3:it provide the knowledge how your findings can contribute to the existing body of knowledge 
4:helps in identifying any research gap

literature review helps in four ways

1:By reviewing literature you understand conceptualize your subject area better, like you get to know  what aspects of your subject areas are already been discovered and examined by others.what they found and what are the gaps identified by them and obviously you can get help from their suggestions they gave for future researches.

2:what type of methodologies were used by the researchers  are they same you are proposing in your research or not?secondly the methods used by the researcher were of any help or not any flaws in methodology can help you not repeating the same mistakes

3:Broadening your knowledge base in your research area. It helps you give full command over your research helps you identifying the significance of your research study

4:helps you in contextualizing the findings of your research.


 search for books related to your are of study.subject catalogs,keywords etc ,cite journals search the internet to get the best study materials which findings must be certified accurate and updated and integreted with other research to form a coherent body of knowledge.
2:citation of literature
there is no harm in gaining knowledge.when you start reading the article journals etc try to get the main idea themes and issues mentioned in the literature related to your study.if you already have theoretical framework in your mind then its good if now try to get the every idea theme and issue and write it down on a paper so that you can get the more dimensions of your study
you need to do the followed
1:identify the relevance of study
2: try to analyze the theories methodologies used in that study its significance,importance drawbacks and criticism of them
3:identify the knowledge gap
4:notice the differences of opinions among researchers and make your own opinion by thoroughly comparing them to find a logical reasoning

Theoretical Framework
a theoretical framework consists of concepts and existing theories that are going to help you guiding how to collect data and anaylize it.With theoretical framework you identifies the boundaries form where and how much you need to know.
It help in exploratory studies where you are going to research about any phenomenon .you dont know much and trying to learn.
so the information you obtained by reviewing literature you need to gather them and create a framework consisting of theories ,information that you can organize also according to your need 
it has three benefits
1:it gives you guidence how to study conceptualize your study
2:it gives you the roadmap to follow
3:if provides boundaries from where to where level you need to study
In case you dont find any preexisting phenomenon or study literature relevant to your study. Its the researcher"s understanding of literature on how to explain a researchers add their own guidelines for study.

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