Monday, May 18, 2020

Globalization according to MEDIA AND SOCIETY

A Simple Globalization Definition

Globalization means the speedup of movements and exchanges (of human beings, goods, and services, capital, technologies or cultural practices) all over the planet. One of the effects of globalization is that it promotes and increases interactions between different regions and populations around the globe.

According to WHO, globalization can be defined as ” the increased interconnectedness and interdependence of peoples and countries. It is generally understood to include two inter-related elements: the opening of international borders to increasingly fast flows of goods, services, finance, people and ideas; and the changes in institutions and policies at national and international levels that facilitate or promote such flows.”

globalization simply can be defined as growing interdependence, This is interconnectedness that how across the world happenings , remote happenings can influence happenings in your locality.In 90s this word ( globalization) got recognition around the world , people criticised this cocept as well, people think that this was basically asspiration, ambitions of developed world to engage according to their plan and needs.Globalization is the phenomenon totally dependent on media and technology , new means of mass communication, This globalization created several oppertunities of earning , learning exposure , advancement for people accross the world , people got benefits from economic achievements of the world , academic achievements of world , cultural exchange etc. people criticise that this was the exploitation of the developing world from the developed world.It creates new dynamics of this world .we can clearly see how  9/11 in recent past effected and influence the whole world. The war against terrorism. there were different aspects that were created by media and then media effected and influenced the whole world politics so this globalization can be of several types.

Few very important aspects of Globalization in the eye of MEDIA AND SOCIETY

1 :Global media forms

2: Global media firms 

3: Global media audience 

4: Global media effects


simply global media forms can be understood as infrastructure and hardware of media technology , cds, cd rooms, computers, IT gadgets, All that hardware with which globalization took its start and it was transformed in different parts of the world, that is infrastructure which is globally available.Today technological inventions made it easier for all of us to access every new form of media in any part of the phone etc. 

So all hardware stuff is media that tangable option we have. it has a global perspective now in every part of the world you can find anything which is related to media.

All that materialistic form of technology and its inventions are global forms Radio, tv , mobile, tablet , laptop etc


Global media firms are transnational media operations.Media agencies like bbc, cnn are media conglomerates which operates accross the world and they have their own audience.we see the targeted audience of these organizations are not just focussed on a city , country but they are heard globally irrespective of the demographs.The whole media business across the world is shrink into a few particularly round about 10 western hands.These firms have their cultural implications, political implications , they have their economic implications , they  have influenced and effected even global agenda.They are the forums from where new world order are implemented accross the world.

So global media Firms are everywhere and they have their subsidiary units in different parts of the world. In Pakistan the mainstrem media has allocation of time for their global coverage like  on aaj tv we see bbc urdu service , This is termed as glocalization. how you channelise , modify your content for the local needs but your agenda is again global

 Globalization is actually a movement of human history in civilization towards an abstract reality.

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