School of thoughts in acting
There are 3 schools of acting Realism Symbolism absurd REALISM Realism in theatre began in late 19th century. Its major goal was to make theatre more useful for society. Actors were made to depict realistic characters The plays involved realistic settings which focused on everyday problems and situations MAIN FEATURES OF REALISM 1:Realism theatre focuses on real life it depicts every day life and common problems 2:writers of realist plays desire to present the reality of life 3:Realism theatre focuses on human behaviour in tough situations 4:The behaviours of actors depicts the real life behaviours of audience in such situations 5 : The dialogues consists of everyday language in a very direct and plain manner 6: The sets of the realist plays reflect the culture and society we live in . They represent the typical work places towns and homes of people 7: hence , the audience is made to feel that the plays represent them in an accu...